Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Bit of a long over due post, but I have been away on work experience and am still recovering from the 5 one week briefs.... anyway!

Shot some 120mm stuff on Ilford FP4 which I haven't done since my A'level so the processing side was a bit touch and go but managed to churn out some negs. Only scanned the one in as yet, as I have zero patience.

Here's Greta, looking grainy, the best/worst thing about FP4 depending on your view point. I meant to shoot some with a touch of back light but it slipped my mind.

Friday, 6 March 2009

One more to go.

For fourth weeks brief I continued my exploration into the cameras influence. I expanded on week ones brief and looked at the relationship between sitter, camera and photographer.

To challenge myself I visited the Blackpool's blind community center.

This is Mary, she has total blindness in her left eye and severe macular degeneration of the right. Leaving her only able to distinguish between light and dark.

About time

Ok I think it's about time I uploaded some stuff. Had so much on recently I haven't really had a chance.

Brief three, I continued with the investigation into the role photography has within portraiture. for this brief I looked at shooting portraits without the person. I ask friends to give me three personal items that either say something about them or are important to them. I then rummaged through there bins for three items of rubbish that I thought might say something about them.

So I was basically asking myself can we learn more from peoples possessions and discarded rubbish than we can from traditional portraits.