In other news:
1)I did the fingers at the google maps car today so here's hoping they caught that one.
2) After spotting a nice wooden ash tray in that crazy shop near Rileys pool hall -for those who haven't been, it's literally full to the top with stuff, they got a delivery today and the guys just threw the stuff in the front door- I spotted an actual mountain of old photo albums. I scanned through about three of them and unfortunately there were no pictures to be seen. As I went to pay for my ash tray (25p, a price which was just made up on the spot by the old Chinese women behind the counter) I noticed that said Chinese women was ripping pictures out of the photo albums and chucking them into a massive plastic bag. Obviously I couldn't let an opportunity like this go begging so I asked her if I could have them too. She said... "emm ehhh OK, 25p"
So I now have well over 1000 random pictures to play with, I can't wait. Check out this gem I found after 2 minutes of looking.
Recontextualization project anyone??

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