To celebrate this momentous occasion -everyone loves a good invasion, don't they- men, women and children take to the streets dressed in orange aprons, bang drums and wave Union Jacks, just to remind everyone that "This is England", I mean "Britain", I mean "Ireland..." no wait "Northern Ireland" that's it" Presumably the fact that we all hold British passports, use British currency and are governed by British law isn't enough of a reminder that technically N.Ireland is Britain, thank goodness for all that red white and blue. So anyway, the 12th July fell on a Sunday this year meaning that the flag waving and apron wearing had to be put on hold, resulting in the paradox of the 12th of July being held on the 13th, today. As you may have guessed I do not partake in the British awareness rally's myself, not for any religious or political reason, it's just I look awful in orange. Instead I am sitting in my room drowning out the repetitive drum beat with Modeselektor, an excellent electronica outfit specialising in filth.
I have been using Spotify to stream their tracks and I have to say it is a truly amazing piece of software. Download it, type what ever you want to listen to and viola. If it wasn't for the random advertisements (which are relatively infrequent) this would be the single greatest advancement of the 21 century.. well maybe not but it's bloody good.
Ok I am off to watch Bruno, lets hope it's not the bag of shit I am anticipating.
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